Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

My first "guest post"

The kid's got talent. Might not be in the Sunday papers at this rate, but he's onto something...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More fun with effects

Played with the effects options again in Photofiltre. This one's called "twirl" but it could be called "acid feakout." Makes solving just a little bit more challenging.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emboss me!

Did a quick-and-dirty maze (trying to keep the sweat off while drawing in the car today; no worries, I was parked in a lot). Played with visual effects just a bit, using a "flatten-emboss" feature, and then a "puzzle piece" function.

Print it on heavy stock paper, cut the pieces, then give to your kids to assemble and solve!

Thanks to Captain Beefheart for the blog title, from the song Debra Kadabra, played with the Frank Zappa band. His lyrics are WAY OUT, as usual:

Make me grow Brainiac fingers
But with more hair
Make me kiss your turquoise jewelry
Emboss me!
Rub the hot front part of my hair
with rigid unguents